

I read about this cute tradition called "14 Days of Valentine's" on Pinterest. I loved the idea and began planning 14 little surprises for Ben. Unless you use other peoples' ideas it gets a little difficult after a while to think of new ones, but it was fun sneaking around leaving love notes for him to find. I don't really think he understood what was going on because occasionally I will leave him love notes here and there anyway. In fact, I still don't know if he caught on that I was doing a Valentine's thing. A few of the surprises were a tin of mints and a note that read "we were 'mint' to be", a teddy bear with attached note that said "you give great hugs" I fastened the bear into the seat belt of the driver's side of his car so he would see it when he went to work. Later I found out that he didn't see it, and sat on the poor bear. I also gave him a donut with a note that said, "'Donut' feel good to know you're loved?"....yeah, cheesy, but cute and apparently hard for him to find some days. One day I kissed a bunch of sticky notes and put them on the screen of his lap top. Later that day I asked if he got his surprise. He said no. I guess he never really opens his laptop at work, he uses a different computer. Argh....so I told him to look. I guess I will have to do some extra detective work next year. The one he seemed most excited about was a "spicy" note I wrote on the bathroom mirror with soap. Maybe next year I will have to keep that in mind as well.
On the actual day of Valentine's, I gave Ben a bobble head of himself!

In the sitcom "The Office", Angela gives Dwight a bobble head of himself, and it is hilarious. I wanted to have it delivered the same way as in the show, but Ben had to go to a career fair and wouldn't be in the office. I need to have him take a picture of it sitting on his desk. He says his co-workers think it's awesome and I have to agree.

Here is the bobble head chasing Eden for a kiss.

Love that silly daddy!

Ben and I gave the kids cards and little paint cans filled with M & M's. Simple, but it will have to do for this year.
Hope loved her kitty card and thought it was quite funny.

Eden cared nothing for her card, but gobbled up the M & M's.

Noah was at his dad's house this Valentine's Day because it was a Tuesday, so I sent his card in the mail. He loves getting mail. Today he came home for the weekend and he got his paint can full of candy.

Today the kids also got a Valentine Card from grandma Bosley in the mail! Hope and Noah both gasped with delightful surprise when I told them they had mail.

I had to bribe Eden to take a break from her destruction to pose for a picture with grandma's card.

Thanks grandma!!!

1 comment:

Linda said...

my note didn't post :-P
I loved your valentines ideas and pictures. Glad the valentine card from me finally got there. Love ya
I loved seeing all the pictures. I am sooooo glad you are consistant about doing this. :-)