
A Busy Day for Miss Chevious

Eden has been recovering from a nasty cold, but that hasn't slowed her down. This morning, I gave her some cereal. She took a bite, coughed and sprayed it all over me. After that she wanted no more cereal. She did want some toast. She ate most of it, but crumbled up the rest and threw it on the couch/floor. Then she wanted some banana bread. Her appetite hasn't been great with this cold, so I am giving her anything lately hoping she'll eat it. I think she took a nibble, but the rest of it ended up like the toast. Crumbled on the floor and couch. Then she found a marker. Thankfully a washable one. She proceeded to tattoo herself where ever her skin was showing and also marked the couch for good measure. I cleaned it off her face, tried to clean it off her hands, but just cause they are "washable" doesn't mean they come off easy.  I decided to get the rest of it tonight at bath time. I put her down for a nap. That is my vacation time. It only last about an hour and half, but I'll take it on a day like today. After her nap she took advantage of the fact that I had forgotten to lock the fridge latch and went for the eggs. Most of the eggs were still in the carton, just out of their little nooks and waiting in the lid of the carton for their turn to get smashed on the floor. She broke probably three on the floor before she came to tell me she had made a mess. In the middle of cleaning it up I ran out of paper towels and headed to the bathroom for the tp. While I was away she tried to help clean it up and got it all over her clothes in the process. So here she is sitting on the couch (yes, the mess on the couch is from her) half naked tattooed with green marker, probably with a running nose. No, actually, I will give myself credit for wiping noses efficiently. :) I deserve it.

Then she was hungry again. Of course. So I made her a peanut butter sandwich, knowing my fate, but hey, the kid has to eat. Surprisingly she ate most of it, but left the last bite face down on the couch. But then she wanted Doritos. I gave her one. She stood right in front of me, right after I gave it to her and smashed it in her hands and let it drop on the kitchen floor...all while looking up at me with a little grin on her face. *Sigh* Oh boy. Then she asked for another. No, I didn't give her one this time. Then she took my water jug that I had just filled up with water.  Soon I hear Hope yelling, "Mom! Eden's making a mess again!!!" Somehow she managed to pour out the entire bottle on the carpet/couch. It took one and half towels to soak it up. It's only 5 pm...she has another three hours before bedtime. What are the chances she is done making messes today?

Reading over this I realized that much of the problem is that someone lets this child eat in the family room instead of her high chair. Doesn't that person realize that once the screaming tantrum about having to eat in the high chair is over the messes will be significantly less than if she doesn't eat in her chair? Actually, that is not at all true. Last night while sitting in her high chair she managed to throw her food all the way over to the couch and the garage door. *sigh* This is just a stage right?
Oh, I decided that "Destruct-Or" is too masculine for this little lady. Her new nick name is Miss Chevious. Both fitting, but I can think of no better way to describe the look on her face when she is doing something she knows you don't want her to do.


~Michelle~ said...

I can so relate! Isaac has finished off our couches, I can't get them clean any more (especially after three kids), it's time to invest in a couch cover I guess. It's good to know I'm not alone and that I'm not the only one with an angel of destruction. At least we can laugh at each other's messes right?

Linda said...

Dont know how I missed this the first time. She is quite the little mischief maker isn't she...she has changed so much since Grandma has been able to spend any time with her. really looking forward to it. Love ya