
Noah & Hope Say...

Noah: Why does your voice sound weird when you hear it on tape?
Mom: Because you are used to hearing yourself from the inside and when you hear yourself from the outside it sounds different.
Noah: Hmmm...I sound manly from the inside.

Mom: It's bath time!
Hope: Mom, I'm not very pleased with you taking us a bath.
Translation: Mom, I'm not very pleased with you making us take a bath.

Hope: Can you read another story?
Mom: I told you, you only get one story tonight.
Hope: I will be frustrated if we don't talk about this.

Eden and Hope are irritating eachother in the grocery cart.
Hope to Eden: Stop it!
Eden to Hope: Stop it.
Mom: Why don't you both stop it?
Hope: We can't help it because we are little humans...that is why we can't help it.


Linda said...

Sooooo Cute! Dont know why but it made me cry....guess I am overdue for a visit. Love ya

Donna said...

Precious! I love it! Thank you so much for sharing these little posts! It really makes my day!

~Michelle~ said...

Love it, keep these posts coming!