
In Memory

On February 23, 2001 my grandma passed away. She had been sick for several months, but it was still quite shocking to everyone. I think she was the kind of woman that everyone thought was invincible. She was truly the center of the Williams family and was a woman to aspire to be like. I didn't get to know her very well, and that has been one of only a few regrets that I have, never-the-less, she has touched my life in many ways. Here are a few of my favorite memories of her.

  • She referred to her purse as a "pocketbook".
  • Said pocketbook always smelled like Juicy Fruit gum.
  • And of course, she always had "chewin gum" handy.
  • She was always giving someone something.
  • She was quite sassy and there are a ton of stories to prove it.
  • Her favorite flower was the star lily and for that reason it has become mine. Every time I see one, I think of her. That is why my profile picture is one of lilies.
  • When she came to visit she always had Wal-Mart brand peanut butter cups and peanuts (although, I'm sure those were more for gpa).
  • She was never wrong ;)
  • She liked the National Enquirer (thought it to be true) and one year that she was visiting for Christmas I put one in her stocking.
  • She gave me a big white teddy bear for my baptism.
  • She always tried to make me feel comfortable. (Because we lived in another state, I was always shy and withdrawn when we would visit.)
  • When I lived in Myrtle Beach we had a tornado drill while I was in school. I remember being huddled down in the school hallway and crying because gma and gpa were driving to see us and I was worried they'd get caught in the tornado.
  • Gma had a quilt shop once and made me a purple quilt with my name stitched in it.
  • She had a great smile.

Pictured above is my mom and gma, Peggy Williams.

February 22, 2007, Allie passed away. Allie had been my sister Cheryl's dog for 13 yrs. My mom and I went to pick out a dog for Cheryl's Christmas present one year, and instead we found another member of our family. Not only was she one of the most adorable doggies ever, but she loved everyone and every animal. If someone new came into the house, she treated them as if they were there to see her, and greeted them with kisses, kisses and more kisses. If another animal came into the house, she wanted to be it's mother and gave kisses, kisses and more kisses. When Allie passed, my mom, myself and Cheryl were with her. We all felt that grandma was there especially to greet Allie and welcome her to heaven. I'm sure there were kisses, kisses and more kisses!


Cabin Fever

It seems like everyone I know is itching for warmer weather and we are no different. This is what cabin fever has brought the Maxwell House to.

I guess a little crazy never hurt anyone.


Six Things That Make Me Happy

I was tagged by Lacy. You are supposed to list 6 things that make you happy, so here goes.

1) My children's laughter.
2) Ben's touch.
3) Puppies & kittens. :)
4) THE OFFICE - I love love love this show. If ever I am in a bad mood all I need is an episode of The Office.
5) Hope dancing.
6) A good potsticker.

Link to the person who has tagged you. Write down six things that make you happy. Post the rules, tag six others and let them know you did it. Then tell the person when your entry is complete. I tag Tiffany, Britney, Michelle, Tara, Brian and Natalie.