
Wednesday With Noah

As part of the new mediation agreement, Noah and I are able to spend every other Wednesday evening together. It isn't the easiest thing to get out there though being that Tooele is over an hour away, gas is expensive and I have two other little ones to consider. But every once in a while the stars align and I am able to make it.
So yesterday Noah wanted to play laser tag. It was so cool. I didn't play with him because there were enough other kids that he was able to play with, but I stood in the laser tag room and watched. Each game last about ten minutes and all the kids ran around shooting at each other and hiding behind walls and glowing barrels of "Ammonia". Ironically, Noah grabbed the gun that was named "Monkey". Fitting. :)

Then we went over to the movie theater in Tooele. Usually, they don't have great kid-friendly movies there and if they do they are playing at times that just don't fit with our schedule. This week they were showing Journey 2 The Mysterious Island. Noah has been wanting to see it for a while, so off we went. We saw it in 3D, which I hate. It always gives me a headache, but Noah really enjoyed the movie so it was worth it.

Noah wearing his 3D glasses.

He was great sport about me taking pictures. When we got out of the movie we walked out into a blizzard! Since it was snowing so hard I needed to drop him off a little early to hopefully make it home in one piece. We ended the night with Taco Bell. Glamorous I know. :)
It is difficult to describe what it is like to be away from your child so much. I still have a very hard time with it, especially when it seems that Noah has a hard time with it. These little visits definitely help. I am so grateful to get this time with him.

1 comment:

Linda said...

These little get togethers with Noah will be cherished by you both. So glad you get to special one on one time with him, even if it is when the stars align...Love ya both. Can't wait for my special time with the both of you. :-)