
First Trip to the Park of 2012

On Eden's birthday we met some friends for a pic-nic at the new park down the street. The weather was perfect park weather and Hope got to play with some friends for a while. Eden took right off to explore the playground. She didn't seem afraid of anything and even climbed up and went down the big spiral slide all by herself. I'm very excited that she is at the age where I don't have to hover around her constantly and I can give her a little freedom to explore on her own. Of course, I am not far away...I'm not brave enough to let her get to far from me yet. The swings still seem to be her favorite. I pushed her in the swing for quite a while and every now and then would ask if she wanted to get down. "No thanks." she'd reply. What good manners she has. :)

She also enjoys this xylophone, but can't quite reach it yet.

Hope has started making very vogue-esque poses for the camera now. Reminds me of when I was Hope's age and Donna would dress me up to take pictures.

We are going to enjoy many more trips to the park this year!


Linda said...

Looks like a great park. So glad they built that so near by. The weather looks great and the mountains so beautiful with the snow in the background. Looking forward to the western mountains range there...but only looking forward to seeing the snow stay up there. :)Can't wait to go to the park with the kids.

Donna said...

Great pictures! It looks like they had fun! :-) And, that pic reminded me of you at that age too! You were such a good sport with me and my camera! lol..

Natalie said...

What a beautiful day and beautiful children too!!!