
Say What?

The tail end of a 15 minute conversation between Ben and Hope about why she shouldn't rely on toys to make her happy...
Ben: Is grandma a toy?
Hope: No. But I miss her.
Ben: Are you happy she is going to visit?
Hope: Yes.
Ben: See. Grandma is not a toy but you are still happy.
Hope: I wish we had a toy of her so I wouldn't miss her.

Referring to the lotion that is being applied following a bath.
Hope: I think this motion is called, SLLLOOOOW Motion.

Eden closes herself in the pantry and proceeds to say: Knock knock, who's there? Knock knock, who's there?

After Eden falls off a dining room chair and gets a big bump on her head, Hope paces back and forth with her finger on her chin: Hmmm....we need a plan. I know! A helmet will keep her from hitting her head!

Hope: I miss dada. I want to snuggle with him to make me happy.

Hope: Mom, do you need some quiet time?


Anonymous said...

These little notes and stories really help me to keep from missing them so much. Thank you!

Linda said...

Absolutely hilarious!!! LOL I am sitting here the only one awake and trying not to laugh out loud. I love your blog...honey this was priceless. Wonder if Mattel would consider making a mini me grandma doll and use me as the model. I could get rich...well mauybe not..Hope would be the only one buying :-)

~Michelle~ said...

Cute, cute cute!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant, clever, beautiful little girls!
-Karlee Stone