
Last Week

One day last week I decided to take the girls for a walk even though the "weather man" said it was supposed to storm. We were prepared with umbrellas though. Hope was fascinated with hers and wanted to keep it open but had a hard time keeping it still in the wind.

Eden's favorite song as of late is "Rain, Rain, Go Away!" She sings it quite well and loves to sing it even if the sun is shining.

We decided to go to the old park since it wasn't too cold.

On Saturday Hope went to a princess birthday party. She doesn't have any dress up princess clothes and she needed a new dress so I took Hope to JC Penney and we tried on dresses. This is the first time that she has actually had to try anything on because she is growing so fast! I had mini visions of her trying on her prom dress and her wedding dress and I almost got teary-eyed. :) She looked so beautiful in all the dresses, but this was her favorite.

We found the tiara at a party store and I made a dress up necklace cause every princess needs fancy jewelry. I tried to fix her hair fancy but she FREAKED OUT. I mean sobbing, hysterical freaking out. The girl does not like her "hair did." Here are some pics while she is still upset.

Still cute, but I prefer a happy princess and a little sister that doesn't look drunk. :)



Linda said...

So touching...for your mommy to hear about the first try on clothes shopping trip with my baby's baby...AND I did get teary eyed. She is so abolutely beautiful...I know there will be many more shopping trips, but hopefully lots more walks and chances to fix her hair up pretty. Good that it is naturally curly :)
Eden is just as beautiful and they will both probably be just like you...picky and hard to please with what YOU pick out. Serves YOU right though, don't think?

dbozz said...

Lindsey, I love your Blog posts and pictures. THis is better than Facebook because we are not posting to people who aren;t really interested. Hope looks like you did at that age in some of thee pictures. Beautiful little girls! I love you all.