
Another Episode of Hope Says...

Hope: I want to look at my pretty self in this mirror.

Hope: How do you get to Heaven? Do you need a map?
I showed her the scriptures, but I don't think she got it. :)

Hope: Why does Eden sound like a little boy?
For those of you who don't know, Eden's voice is a little deeper than most little ladies so this was especially funny.

Mom: Why are you lying on the floor like that?
Hope: Cause it's my favorite thing to do.


Anonymous said...

Tell her that Grandpa looks at her pretty self inher pictures. :o)

Linda said...

Love reading all the stuff the kids say :)
I love how she kept asking me what is that smell? I had put some perfume on for church and she did not like it. Made the same face at me that she did when I caught her taking a wiff of someone who was pretty sweaty the next day.
Guess I need to chuck that perfume. LOL

~Michelle~ said...

Thanks for making me smile today.