
Coloring & Preschool

Eden has a new love for coloring. Surprisingly, most of the time she colors intently, holding the crayon near perfectly and leaning in close to the paper as if she is considering carefully where to put her marks. For the rest of the time she is sticking crayons in her mouth and either sucking on them or chewing them to pieces. She reminds me a lot of Noah when he was her age. He would sit for long periods (for an 18 month old) and draw or color. Looking at his art you can see how he has nurtured his creative gift over the years. It is amazing. So perhaps little miss Eden will be another artist in our family.

Hope enjoys coloring as well, but not like the other kids. She cares nothing for staying inside the lines, or even finishing the object she's coloring. She's content to scribble her crayon around the page for a minute or so, but Hopie is really more interested in following Noah around and singing songs.
She can now write her name and I am helping her with preschool activities which she is very excited about. Everyday she asks me, "Can we do preschool stuff?" Rememer that time, when you were excited to learn? You know, it's right before you get to be about 8 years old and realize that sometimes learning is difficult and not as much fun as finishing patterns and tracing lines. Below is a sample of her work.


Linda Bosley said...

I am so excited to hear the girls are getting excited about learning. They are growing up so fast. I miss them.

Donna said...

All of your kids are so smart! They put me in awe all the time!