
While Mom's Away

This month has been filled with sickness. In a previous post I mentioned that Hope and Ben had Strep and Eden had a stomach flu. A couple of weeks ago I had a gall bladder attack and our family, minus Noah, ended up at the E.R. at about 2 AM. I was sure they were going to send me home and tell me it was just really bad indigestion, so I was quite shocked with then doctor told me my "gall bladder had turned against me." Her exact words. And that is what it felt like, like it was trying to destroy me from the inside out. I ended up spending a few days in the hospital recovering from a cholecystectomy and an ERCP. I went home for a few days and then back to the ER with some complications and stayed another couple of days in the hospital.
It all seems like a big blur to me, but the world kept spinning outside of my pain medicine induced sleepy hospital room. Here is what the kids and Ben did while I was gone.

Much thanks to Ben for holding our family together as he always does! My superman!

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